A thick layer of toxic foam covers the surface of São Paulo's Tiete River, its largest and most important. Untreated domestic runoff from 39 cities in the metropolitan area is killing aquatic river life, as well as polluting riverbanks and emitting noxious odors in riverside communities.
Mata Atlantica, an NGO and activist group that has been pushing for the cleanup of the river for years, said Wednesday the government has fallen behind in its plan to restore and clean up the river.
Malu Ribeiro, a spokesperson for the group, says the energy company controlling upriver dams opened the gates after rain caused a rise in reservoir waters. (AP)
La contaminación del río Tieté, que alimenta una importante central hidroeléctrica que suministra energía a gran parte de Sao Paulo, puede tener consecuencias muy graves, ya que recorre el litoral de la región y decenas de municipios menores.
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