Russian Railways will not continue participating in the tender for privatization of the Greek railway operator TRAINOSE, the Russian company said on Wednesday.
"Information available to date, including in respect of certain key aspects of TRAINOSE operators, does not make possible to fully evaluate current status and development prospects of this asset.
Russian Railways decided in such conditions to refrain from submitting a price bid for TRAINOSE acquisition," the Russian Railways said
"Information available to date, including in respect of certain key aspects of TRAINOSE operators, does not make possible to fully evaluate current status and development prospects of this asset.
Russian Railways decided in such conditions to refrain from submitting a price bid for TRAINOSE acquisition," the Russian Railways said
Russian Railways look at Greek transportation assets
ΑΠΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΠΟΙΗΣΕΙΣ: Ρωσικό ενδιαφέρον για ΤΡΑΙΝΟΣΕ, ΟΛΘ και Rosco
Reuters: Η ΔΕΠΑ ζητά μείωση τιμών 15 - 20% από την Gazprom. -Εάν δεν επιτευχθεί συμφωνία έως τα τέλη του έτους, η ελληνική πλευρά ίσως προσφύγει σε διαιτησία.
Εκθετη η Κομισιόν για τη ΔΕΠΑ
ΤΑΙΠΕΔ: Ευθύνες στην Κομισιόν για το ναυάγιο με Gazprom...

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