Turkey’s first nuclear power plant to be built on the country’s southern coast will connect Turkey and Russia for at least 100 years, said the plant’s Russian builder, Rosatom.
“We are giving 60 years of guarantee for the Akkuyu nuclear plant, but I’m sure that it will have a lifespan of 80-100 years,” said Rosatom CEO Sergei Kirienko.
“We signed an agreement that undertakes mutual commitments for over 100 years,” he also added, speaking to the media in Moscow on Nov. 29.
Rosatom, Russia’s state-run atomic energy corporation, signed an agreement with Turkey in 2011 to build and operate a four-reactor nuclear power plant in the Mersin province on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast.
“Russia will provide $4 billion from its state budget for this project. We will not reduce the financial support of this project,” Kirienko said.
“Russian and Turkish investors will be preferred at first. The project is expected to draw 50-70 percent of investment. This will happen through investors mostly, not bank loans,” he added.
Training support
The Akkuyu plant, which is a sister project to Russia’s Novovoronezh plant in Voronezh Oblast, central Russia, will require $22 billion with construction beginning in 2016 and it becoming operational in 2020.
Kirienko said the use of Russian expertise and technology for Turkey’s first nuclear power plant is a sign of “trust” for Russia, adding that the plant is significant for the strategic cooperation between the two countries, while it will contribute to Turkey’s energy needs.
Recalling that Russia is giving nuclear energy training to 250 Turkish experts, Kirienko emphasized that Russia will help Turkey with the technical and infrastructural aspects.
“We are giving 60 years of guarantee for the Akkuyu nuclear plant, but I’m sure that it will have a lifespan of 80-100 years,” said Rosatom CEO Sergei Kirienko.
“We signed an agreement that undertakes mutual commitments for over 100 years,” he also added, speaking to the media in Moscow on Nov. 29.
Rosatom, Russia’s state-run atomic energy corporation, signed an agreement with Turkey in 2011 to build and operate a four-reactor nuclear power plant in the Mersin province on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast.
“Russia will provide $4 billion from its state budget for this project. We will not reduce the financial support of this project,” Kirienko said.
“Russian and Turkish investors will be preferred at first. The project is expected to draw 50-70 percent of investment. This will happen through investors mostly, not bank loans,” he added.
Training support
The Akkuyu plant, which is a sister project to Russia’s Novovoronezh plant in Voronezh Oblast, central Russia, will require $22 billion with construction beginning in 2016 and it becoming operational in 2020.
Kirienko said the use of Russian expertise and technology for Turkey’s first nuclear power plant is a sign of “trust” for Russia, adding that the plant is significant for the strategic cooperation between the two countries, while it will contribute to Turkey’s energy needs.
Recalling that Russia is giving nuclear energy training to 250 Turkish experts, Kirienko emphasized that Russia will help Turkey with the technical and infrastructural aspects.
Σιγή ιχθύος από την Κομισιόν, για το πυρηνικό στο Ακουγιού
Τα σχέδια του Άκουγιου: Του χρόνου ξεκινά η κατασκευή του πρώτου πυρηνικού σταθμού της Τουρκίας
He also stated that no construction work for the power plant to be built in Akkuyu, southern Mersin province, had started. (2013)

The Turkish ecology ministry has given a green light to the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant project designed by Russia, a ministry spokesman told RIA Novosti Monday...
ReplyDelete“The ecology ministry approved [the environmental impact assessment report] today,” he said.
El Ministerio de Ecología de Turquía aprobó este lunes la construcción de la planta nuclear de Akkuyu con tecnologías rusas en el sur del país, declaró a RIA Nóvosti el portavoz de la entidad, Bulent Kaya...
ReplyDelete"El Ministerio de Ecología turco aprobó la evaluación de impacto ambiental", dijo.
La noticia llega durante una visita de Estado que el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, inició el lunes en Ankara.
Una vez obtenido el visto bueno, la compañía rusa Akkyuy Nuclear, encargada del proyecto, pedirá una licencia para producir energía eléctrica y otra más, para construir la central, después de lo cual podrá comenzar las obras.
El acuerdo para la construcción de la central nuclear de Akkuyu, en la provincia meridional turca de Mersin, fue suscrito el 12 de mayo de 2010 durante la visita del presidente ruso a este país. El proyecto incluye cuatro reactores de 1.200 MW que producirán 35 billones de kWh anuales.
Previamente, el jefe de la agencia atómica rusa Rosatom, Serguéi Kirienko, anunció que la construcción de la planta de Akkuyu será un gran proyecto de alta tecnología que vinculará Turquía y Rusia a más de cien años.
Nuclear plant on southern coast of Turkey will put Cyprus in danger”...
ReplyDeleteCTP-BG MP Armağan Candan who has been observing the issue closely, noted that not only Cyprus is in danger but the whole of Mediterranean is under the same risk. In his statement, the Greenpeace Mediterranean Climate and Energy Campaign Coordinator Devin Bahceci, noted that in a possible accident whose responsibility would it be is not clear, adding that they will start a legal process about the approval of the CED report.
The nuclear power plant which is planned to be built at Mersin Akkuyu caused heated debates within Turkey, but the CED (Environmental Impact Assessment) report was approved the previous day by Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning.
While CTP-BG MP Armagan Candan who spoke to Kibris Postasi noted that the nuclear power plant to be constructed in Mersin-Akkuyu will affect the whole of the Mediterranean and Cyprus, putting them under risk and danger, the Biologists Association General Secretary Hasan Sarptan stated that “If we consider the fault line in the area, it is certain that an accident will affect Eastern Europe, Russia and even Africa in important degrees.”
- See more at: http://www.parikiaki.com/2014/12/nuclear-plant-on-southern-coast-of-turkey-will-put-cyprus-in-danger/#sthash.QNDfJ0Dx.dpuf