Sunday, October 28, 2012

Τσουνάμι απειλεί τη Χάβάη μετά το σεισμό στον Καναδά

Προς τη Χαβάη κατευθύνεται το τσουνάμι που προκάλεσε ο σεισμός των 7,7 βαθμών της κλίμακας Ρίχτερ, στ’ ανοικτά της δυτικής ακτής του Καναδά, ανακοίνωσε το Κέντρο Προειδοποίησης για τσουνάμι στον Ειρηνικό.

Οι κάτοικοι κλήθηκαν να εγκαταλείψουν τις παράκτιες περιοχές, ενώ σειρήνες ηχούν σε όλα τα νησιά της Χαβάης.

Αξιωματούχοι του Κέντρου Προειδοποίησης για Τσουνάμι δήλωσαν ότι αναμένονται κύματα ύψους από ένα ως δύο μέτρα.

Προειδοποίηση για τσουνάμι εξεδόθη και για τις ακτές της καναδικής επαρχίας της Βρετανικής Κολομβίας και της Αλάσκας.

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  • [1] Hawaii in path of tsunami after 7.7 earthquake strikes western Canada

(CNN) -- Sirens blaring across parts of Hawaii urged residents to seek higher ground, as a tsunami -- triggered by a sizable 7.7-magnitude earthquake in western Canada -- barreled toward them.
Waves between 3 and 7 feet are expected to lash the islands beginning about 10:28 p.m. Saturday (4:28 a.m. Sunday ET), the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.
"Basically this tsunami is pointed right at us," said Gerard Fryer, senior geophysicist at the center.
The impact could last for hours.
"It's not just one wave, it's a succession of waves," Fryer said. "We are recommending coastal evacuation."
But he noted that the tsunami will not be as significant as the devastating quake and tsunami that killed thousands in Japan in March 2011.
Local television showed images of bumper-to-bumper traffic on roads leading from the coast to inner ground. About 80,000 people live in evacuations zones in the island of Oahu, the island where Honolulu is located.
John Cummings, spokesman for Honolulu Emergency Management, said officials have opened 26 centers for evacuees.
"All islands and all shorelines will be affected when it comes in," Cummings said.
Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle urged residents who are already on higher ground to not clog traffic. Officials expressed concerns about emergency vehicles getting by in heavy traffic.
But the tsunami warning came at an unfortunate time -- when thousands of revelers packed streets in Honolulu for the annual Hallowbaloo festival.
Even Hawaiians accustomed to tsunami warnings spared no effort in bracing for the worst.
Honolulu resident Victoria Shioi filled her bathtub with water, set her refrigerator to the coldest setting and gathered candles in case of water or power outages.
"Also backed up my computer and put the external (hard drive) in the waterproof safe," Shioi said.
Basically this tsunami is pointed right at us
(Gerard Fryer)
The tsunami was spawned by an earthquake in western British Columbia, prompting a local tsunami warning and sending some residents toward higher ground.
"A (magnitude) 7.7 is a big, hefty earthquake -- not something you can ignore," Fryer said. "It definitely would have done some damage if it had been under a city."
Instead, the quake struck about 139 kilometers (86 miles) south of Masset on British Columbia's Queen Charlotte Islands. No major damage was reported.
The Alaska Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning for western British Columbia from Vancouver to the southern panhandle of Alaska.
Canadians as far as Prince Rupert on mainland British Columbia felt the quake.
Tanya Simonds said she felt like her house was "sliding back and forth on mud," but didn't see any damage from the tremor.
Shawn Martin was at a movie theater when the quake struck.
"It just felt like the seats were moving. It felt like someone was kicking your seat," he said. Martin said more than hundred cars headed toward a popular intersection in the city known for its higher ground.
Fryer said he expects Hawaiians to also seek higher ground due to the expected "significant flooding."
"The rest of the Pacific does not have to worry, but Hawaii does," he said.

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