All permanent members of the Arctic Council as well as observer countries have spoken against politicization of the organization’s work, a source in the Russian delegation that took part in the work of a ministerial meeting of the Council in Iqaluit, Canada, told TASS.
Canada officially handed to the United States the Arctic Council presidency for the next two years.
"Constructive and thematic talks with all participants of the Arctic Council took part during the day. All countries, especially permanent representatives of the organization, spoke for constructive interaction and exclusion of politicization," the source said.
"Our position is the following: Arctic is a zone of cooperation, and not confrontation," he said. "It was particularly stressed that in order to resolve the set tasks, all countries making part of the Arctic Council need to interact."
During the meetings, he said, no country, including Canada, made loud statements regarding the situation in Ukraine. "However, we express regret that the Canadian side touched upon the issue, apparently for domestic political reasons, during the final press conference," he said.
The Arctic Council is an intergovernmental forum addressing issues faced by the Arctic countries. It was established in 1996. Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States make part of the Council.
Canada officially handed to the United States the Arctic Council presidency for the next two years.
"Constructive and thematic talks with all participants of the Arctic Council took part during the day. All countries, especially permanent representatives of the organization, spoke for constructive interaction and exclusion of politicization," the source said.
"Our position is the following: Arctic is a zone of cooperation, and not confrontation," he said. "It was particularly stressed that in order to resolve the set tasks, all countries making part of the Arctic Council need to interact."
During the meetings, he said, no country, including Canada, made loud statements regarding the situation in Ukraine. "However, we express regret that the Canadian side touched upon the issue, apparently for domestic political reasons, during the final press conference," he said.
The Arctic Council is an intergovernmental forum addressing issues faced by the Arctic countries. It was established in 1996. Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States make part of the Council.

Réchauffement climatique et tensions avec la Russie au Conseil de l'Arctique...
ReplyDeleteLes nations arctiques ont rappelé vendredi les dangers auxquels elles doivent faire face en raison du changement climatique, lors d'une réunion ministérielle dans le Grand Nord canadien où tous les yeux sont braqués vers la Russie.
L'Arctique se réchauffe deux fois plus rapidement que le reste de la planète et, le mois dernier, le gouvernement américain a indiqué que la banquise avait atteint son plus bas niveau cet hiver depuis le début des observations par satellite, à la fin des années 1970.
La fonte du sommet de la Terre inquiète tant pour ses conséquences sur la hausse du niveau des océans, que sur l'effet de serre avec la libération de quantités astronomiques de gaz carbonique et de méthane qui étaient jusqu'à présent stockés dans le sous-sol gelé.
Le recul de la banquise permet, dans le même temps, de miser sur l'ouverture de nouvelles routes commerciales reliant l'Asie à l'Europe et attise les convoitises des secteurs pétrolier et gazier qui lorgnent sur d'immenses gisements vierges.
Ces nouvelles opportunités s'accompagnent toutefois de nouveaux défis et rivalités que les Etats-Unis devront apprivoiser en prenant, à l'issue du sommet, la présidence du Conseil de l'Arctique pour les deux prochaines anné